Mindfulness Apps ئاپەکان

Yoga Nidra 1.9.5
Mindfulness Apps
Yoga Nidra is a simple, effective and pleasant form ofrelaxation/meditation.
Potential Project 3.0
Train your brain with mindfulness! Increaseyou effectiveness and ability to focus as well as your well-being.Perform well without getting stressed or emotionally drained.The app contains simple but powerful mindfulness exercises toincrease presence and ability to focus. There are also instructionsto cultivate more joy, acceptance, kindness and openness in dailylife.The Potential Project has developed a program for mindfulnesstraining together with leading authorities in the fields ofneuroscience, mind training and business. It is specificallydesigned to help people integrate mindfulness training into a busyand active work life.Mindfulness training has been scientifically proven in thousandsof research projects to lead to improved physical health, lessstress, anger and emotional imbalance, increased empathy andkindness, and higher degrees of subjective happiness andwell-being. To name just a few of the positive effects.With the application you can:* Listen to mindfulness practices on your phone.* Create reminders to help you remember your mindfulness trainingduring the day.* Keep a log of all the practices you do.* Create practices of custom length with silence and mindfulnessbells.
TPP 3.0
Mindfulness Apps
Do not download this app unless you havereceived login credentials from The Potential Project.
Jon Kabat-Zinn 3 1.7.1
Mindfulness Apps
The meditations in The Series 3 app were developed and recorded byDr. Jon Kabat-Zinn to accompany his book Coming to Our Senses:Healing Ourselves and the World Through Mindfulness. After almost10 years in the form of CDs, these meditations are now available asan app. The meditations: The Series 3 App consists of 10meditations: 1. Breathscape Meditation (20 min) 2. BodyscapeMeditation (20 min) 3. Breathscape and Bodyscape – More Silence (20min) 4. Soundscape Meditation (27 min) 5. Mindscape Meditation (20min) 6. Dying Before You Die (30 min) 7. Nowscape (ChoicelessAwareness) Meditation (30 min) 8. Walking Meditation (10 min) 9.Heartscape (Lovingkindness) Meditation (47 min) 10. Lifescape(Everyday Life) Meditation (12 min) About Jon Kabat-Zinn: 
JonKabat-Zinn, Ph.D., is a meditation teacher, writer and scientist.He is Professor of Medicine emeritus at the University ofMassachusetts Medical School, where he was founder (in 1979) andformer director of its world-renowned Stress Reduction Clinic andfounding Executive Director of the Center for Mindfulness inMedicine, Health Care, and Society. Together with his colleagues,Jon Kabat-Zinn has published numerous scientific papers on theclinical applications of mindfulness in medicine. His work has beenfeatured in the Bill Moyers PBS special, Healing and the Mind, aswell as on Oprah, Good Morning America, and in numerous printmedia. Jon Kabat-Zinn is the author of: * Full Catastrophe Living:Using the Wisdom of Your Body and Mind to Face Stress, Pain andIllness * Wherever You Go, There You Are: Mindfulness Meditation inEveryday Life * Coming to Our Senses: Healing Ourselves and theWorld Through Mindfulness * Arriving at Your Own Door, LettingEverything Become Your Teacher * Mindfulness for Beginners *Everyday Blessings: The Inner Work of Mindful Parenting (co-author,with his wife Myla) *The Mindful Way Through Depression (withWilliams, Teasdale, and Segal) * The Mind's Own Physician (editortogether with Richard Davidson) * Mindfulness: Diverse Perspectiveson its Meaning, Origins, and Applications (editor with MarkWilliams) MindfulnessApps
: MindfulnessApps is a Swedish companydedicated to making mindfulness practice of the highest qualityeasy accessible to the world. The company consists of Psychologist,mindfulness teacher and Master of Engineering Martin Ström andPsychologist, author and mindfulness teacher Johan Bergstad.Contact us at info@mindfulnessapps.com, and visitwww.MindfulnessApps.com for more info. Support: If you have anytechnical problems with this app, please let us know and we will doour very best to help you: support@mindfulnessapps.com. Pleaseemail us your phone type and specify the problem you have. Thankyou.
The Breathing Anchor 1.9.5
Mindfulness Apps
Awareness Training (AT) with Andries J. Kroese.
MFG 1.5.3
Mindfulness Apps
Ladda inte ner denna app om du inte fåttenaktiveringskod av Mindfulnessgruppen. Vill duköpaMindfulnessgruppens app finns denhär:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=se.mindfulnessgruppen
Dagliga Droppar Mindfulness 1.9.6
Mindfulness Apps
One of the best mindfulnessapparna according to the Free (2012)
Mindfulness steg för steg PLUS 1.9.5
Mindfulness Apps
Mindfulness - A rich life where you are!
Jon Kabat-Zinn Meditations 2.29.0000
Mindfulness Apps
Gain focus and relaxation with the world's foremost MBSR expert JonKabat-Zinn
Mindfulness - Lugn och lycklig 1.7.0
Mindfulness Apps
Packed with exercises for the presence, peace, joy and ease inlife.